
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fellow pot-heads beware....Adelaide may not be our Utopia much longer!

CANNABIS dealers carrying more than 25 grams of marijuana will be subject to criminal charges under new legislation.
The bill will target street dealers who carry dealable amounts of cannabis currently below the prosecutable limit and will be introduced into Parliament by independent MLC Ann Bressington tomorrow. current legislation, people caught in possession of up to 100 grams of cannabis face a maximum penalty of $300 with no criminal conviction.
Ms Bressington said the fines were "absolutely insufficient" to curb marijuana use and dealing.
"A lot of street dealers have slipped through the system as not street dealers as users because of the system we have got in place now.
"This will actually make sure.... the street dealers get a fine that reflects the amount of cannabis that they are holding."


.....Fuck that!!!! seriously....dealers????DEALERS???? What if I'm rollin to a party.....and I take an ounce of sticky weed for everyone...Their gonna throw criminal charges on, HERE at my grandmothers retirement home in front of the whole bingo party and it's staff....Apauling.

Fact- Weed is Natural...You gotta be pretty fucking paranoid to make nature illegal....

Fact- Now that this law has passed I'm almost certainly goin to jail

Marijuana is HARMLESS! It has never hurt anyone...(Dont gimme that oh my brother went skitzo shit....that dude was always a twisted nutjob....weed just gave him the courage to be himself)

In summary Panadol can kill you and the box says ages 5 and up, This is not protection from harmful drugs...this is simply a way to tax an otherwise untaxable revenue......the government wants its cut of the weed money

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